Installation Instructions
To install the Auger in the water:
1. Insert the handle inside the top cover and rotate 1/4 turn until the handle drops over the shaft.
2. Wrap the rope around the top of the T-handle to secure the handle and the auger together.
3. Wade out into the water to 3 to 5 foot depth, firmly plant the nose of the auger into the ground and with downward pressure rotate the handle clockwise until both blades are fully submerged and the eye bolt securing the rope is at ground level approximately 18 inches deep.
4. Unwrap the rope from around the top of the T-handle and attach the carabineer to the watercraft.
5. Remove the handle. Your watercraft is now secured.
When watercraft is in use the float will keep the end of the rope with the carabineer on top of the water to mark your spot and to locate the auger.
For larger boats an extension rope might be needed with a drag anchor over the opposite end of the boat to keep it from drifting around.
To remove the Auger:
1. Take the handle out to the float.
2. Unhook the rope from the watercraft.
3. Follow the rope down to locate the auger cover.
4. Insert the handle inside the top cover and rotate 1/4 turn until the handle drops over the shaft.
5. Wrap the rope around the top of the T-handle to secure the handle and the auger together.
6. Rotate the handle counter clockwise until the auger is free from ground.
Follow the same instructions out of the water for use on land.
To store the handle remove cross tube from T-handle and insert into the shaft from the top, line up the pin holes and insert the locking pin to secure the cross tube inside the handle shaft.
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A Product of Acu-Tec CNC, Inc,